Monday, February 12, 2007

David Michael Nixon & Alex Dedicke

This week at Blue Dahlia: David Michael Nixon

David has a new chapbook out, so he'll be reading from that
(as well as having them available for sale, I think)
I know it's Valentine's Day and all, but what better way to celebrate than to come listen to poetry?

Open Mic: 8 - 10 pm at Blue Dahlia Coffee
92 South Main Street, Canandaigua

And Thursday night "my goodest friend" - as my son calls him - Alex Dedicke

He says he some new stuff, so come out and see! Gee, I feel like I should title this post Long-Haired-Bearded-Men week! (By the way, I adore long haired bearded men & you should too!)

Pure Kona Open Mic: 8 - 10 pm
Daily Perks Coffeehouse
369 Gregory Street, Rochester

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