Monday, December 18, 2006

Rick Petrie & Mike Rae

To make things even more confusing (for those of you who are used to Rick Petrie & Mike Rae performing together as Urknee & Bjurton) This week's feature's will be Rick Petrie & Mike Rae (but not together - not even on the same night, in the same place, or even the same city!)

Rick Petrie will be the feature for the Blue Dahlia Open Mic this week (Wednesday, December 20): Blue Dahlia Open Mic, 8-10pm

Blue Dahlia Coffee, Tea & Gifts
92 South Main Street,

And Mike Rae will be the feature for the Pure Kona Open Mic this week (Thursday, December 21): Pure Kona Open Mic, 8-10pm

Daily Perks Coffee House
369 Gregory Street,

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