Saturday, January 21, 2006

New: Blue Dahlia Open Mic

Brand Spankin' New: Blue Dahlia Open Mic, hosted by yours truly has begun. Wednesday, January 18th was our first night and it was a smashing success. Thanks to all who came out for our premeire.

Next week, we will be featuring Rick Petrie & Mike Rae (a.k.a. Urknee & Bjurton) starting at 7:30 pm. Followed by a very open Open Mic - poetry, music, whatever. . . hope to see you there!

Here's the schedule for February:

Febrary 1: Ian Downey
February 8: Matt Shackelford
February 15: Ed Downey
February 22: Norm Davis

Blue Dahlia Coffee, Tea & Gifts is located at 92 South Main Street in Canandaigua.

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